Online Criminal justice degree at Capella University

Whether you're essentially starting or a refined criminal value capable, your time is beneficial to us. We've arranged our criminal value program in a way that you may be qualified to apply trade credit and past work experience, for instance, Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST)— giving you the most direct path to your degree.

Our courses are 100% online with all the live long day access for amazing flexibility and are taught by our perceived staff with certified contribution in the criminal value field. You'll similarly practice risk assessment and circumstance orchestrating in a protected, controlled environment with our virtual reenactments.

As an apparent establishment, with relationship from top-level criminal value affiliations, you'll get the respected accreditations to facilitate your experience and open up a wide blended sack of open and private division calling open entryways for your future with an unfastened male's in criminal value. This venture is seen by:

The FBI National Academy

Worldwide Association of Emergency Managers

United States Secret Service

National Sheriffs' Association

Program Accreditations

Accreditation is an essential confirmation to look for when picking a school in light of the fact that it is an assertion to you and individuals as a rule that a foundation meets or surpasses measures for nature of staff, instructive modules, understudy organizations, and budgetary security.

Sorts of Accreditation

Capella University is approve by the Higher Learning Commission.

The Higher Learning Commission is among the 6 nearby ensuring bodies saw by the U.S. Division of Education. Regional bodies affirm schools and universities; national bodies approve trade and expert school.

Despite our regional accreditation, Capella has fulfilled thought and program-specific accreditation seeing the quality and validness of our degree programs.

Why Accreditation Matters

Accreditation ensures that your degree is seen by organizations, capable affiliations, and other guarantee foundations of cutting edge instruction. Regional accreditation is especially essential for people who need to trade credits from another authorized school or school.


Total framework credits required for graduation: 180

One educational quarter is 3 months. You will have a 3-week break between each quarter.

As a Capella Bachelor's understudy, you require 45 quarter credits to satisfy your general guideline essentials. You'll pick 18 quarter credits of your skimming any of the characterizations.

To take in additional, call 1.866.933.5839, or email us. When you unite with Capella, we will rapidly put you in contact with an enrollment aide arranged to help you with specific request and necessities for your area of distraction.
General Education Requirements

+ Communication

+ Humanities

+ Natural Science and Mathematics

+ Social Science

Focus Courses:

General Education Requirements

Pick 45 quarter credits with no less than six quarter credits from each order; see General Education Courses:

Required course:

ENG1100 Writing Strategies for Criminal Justice (6 quarter credits)

Additional Program Requirements

Required Courses - 84 quarter credits

COM2000 Intercultural Communications (6 quarter credits) SOC2000 Cultural Diversity (6 quarter credits) COM3700 Conflict Resolution (6 quarter credits) CJ2004 Perspectives in Criminal Justice (6 quarter credits) CJ1000 Introduction to Criminal Justice (6 quarter credits) CJ2120 Ethics of Criminal Justice (6 quarter credits) CJ3220 Criminal Law (6 quarter credits) CJ3200 Constitutional Law (6 quarter credits) CJ3540 Criminal Procedure and Evidence (6 quarter credits) CJ4280 Research Applications in Criminal Justice (6 quarter credits) PSYC3130 Criminal Psychology and Behavior (6 quarter credits)

Besides, 18 quarter credits from the going with courses:

CJ3250 Corrections, Probation, and Parole (6 quarter credits) CJ3700 Terrorism (6 quarter credits) CJ3750 White-Collar and Organized Crime (3 quarter credits) CJ3800 Social Dimensions of Disaster (6 quarter credits) CJ3850 School Violence (3 quarter credits) CJ3950 Women in Criminal Justice (3 quarter credits) PSYC3150 Victimology (3 quarter credits)

Elective courses - 45 quarter credits

Pick 45 quarter credits of additional school classes.

Capstone course - 6 quarter credits

Taken in the midst of the learner's last quarter:

CJ4990 Criminal Justice Capstone (6 quarter credits)

Trade Credits

There are various ways to deal with reduction instructive expense costs, including trading credits which can help save with timing and money. You can trade up to 135 credits into this specialization.


If you have elective courses in your specialization, you may have the ability to use them to fulfill both your degree and obsession necessities meanwhile. Then again, completing an obsession may grow your total credits past the requirements of your degree. Obsessions open for this specialization include:

Law Enforcement Leadership

Emergency Management


Business Intelligence

Human administrations Management

Organization and Leadership

Human Resource Management

Brought and Transfer Credits

Instructive cost and Fees

Instructive expense varies by lower and upper-division courses:

Per lower-division credit (courses numbered at the 1000-2000 level) $330 per credit

Per upper-division credit (courses numbered at the 3000-4000 level) $382 per credit

Select in up to 3 courses for each quarter. By growing your courseload each quarter, you can graduate through and through sooner.

This instructive expense assessment is fruitful July 13, 2015, and is at risk to change.

Capella is centered around a direct assessing course of action. Despite your instructive expense, you may be responsible for additional costs, for instance, course books and an application cost. Make sense of extra about the best financing and portion decisions to help you with completing your task.

Government help is available to manage the costs of cutting edge instruction. Take in more and get help organizing your fiscal aide errands with Capella's cash related aide masterminding motivation.

Credit for Prior Work Experience, Knowledge, and Training

Through Capella's previous learning examination, you can win credit for displaying the imperative, school level data you've expanded through formal and easygoing work get ready, continuing with preparing ventures, self-rule, and other sources.* After staff study and underwriting, you can apply these credits to lessen the cost and time to complete your degree.

*Residents of Washington may get credit for previous adjusting just in the single man's and MBA programs

Win Credit for Your Previously Earned Certifications

Capella values the data you've appeared by obtaining your industry saw capable affirmations. Our academic pros have surveyed select assertions that are vital to our degree ventures and reflect finding that changes with Capella's competency-based instructive modules. Settlement of Archived Credit materials is a streamlined system, as your knowledge has starting now been overviewed through accomplishing your assertion.

Trade Credits

Reduce the time and cost of augmenting in order to finish your degree your trade credits. Various understudies save significantly by trading past educational course work into their Capella program. Course work completed at an establishment authorized by a U.S. Branch of Education-saw approving association or an all around saw establishment will be seen as, paying little regard to what degree earlier they were earned. With your approval, we will request your transcripts for your purpose and pay any related charges.

Trade up to 135 credits.

Sophia Low-Cost General Education Courses


Sophia Pathways: An Accelerated, Flexible, Low-Cost Option for Fulfilling Your General Education Credits

Extra money and take your Bachelor's general preparing required courses speedier through Sophia Pathways: Capella's independently directed learning associate. Much the same as at Capella, Sophia courses are offered online — nobody however you can take them at whatever point you like, at your own pace, for a little measure of the cost.

Take in additional about Sophia Pathways.

Examine More Ways to Save Time and Money

Extra money and graduate speedier with stipends, gifts, military instructive expense refunds, and the sky is the breaking point from that point.

Capella offers support to keep understudies and graduated class on track, academically and monetarily. We offer all around financial aide coordinating and online resources, for instance, webinars, cash related number crunchers, and the sky is the breaking point from that point. Your selection backer has wide get ready in guideline financing and is readied to answer your reques